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What a great new requirement for the School Committee! The taxpayers have given over a billion dollars of TAXPAYERS MONEY to the School Committee since 2009 and they haven't been accountable to anyone, EVER. (Not the Mayor; not the City Council; no one!)

Now they want more? Are they out of their minds? I strongly recommend an independent audit FIRST!

The taxpayers (that are paying the tab) deserve that FIRST!!!

They deserve to know what happened to their BILLION DOLLARS that the School Committee has already spent FIRST!

The biggest expense the taxpayers have is the School Committee.

The biggest problems (lawsuits, health issues, contract issues etc.) facing Warwick Taxpayers are coming from the actions of the School Committee.

The simple solution is an audit from an outside unbiased independent source. The cost (to the taxpayers) should be in the $30,000 range for a simple audit and if it uncovers any major wrong-doing we could then upgrade it to a forensic audit. I believe the benefit to the taxpayers as well as all parties involved would be many times the cost.

$160,000,000 A YEAR is a lot of TAXPAYER money. They have a legal and moral right to know where it is spent. They don't.

It's the biggest problem Warwick Taxpayers are facing in my opinion. I applaud the "accountability" demand by City Councilman and Finance Chair Ed Ladouceur.

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Expect quiz on Vets heating system

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