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"Because of the appeal, Dillon does not expect FAA to fund the airport projects, thereby putting them in limbo indefinitely."

The U.S. Government has no interest in funding the runway extension. When are the Providence Chamber of Commerce, the trade unions, and the airport corporation going to wake up? We are going through a major contraction of funding in Washington. We are about to cut the defense budget in half. And the Chamber of Commerce thinks the FAA is going to come up with $400 million on a project based on 20 year old airplanes that the airlines do not use anymore?

So, it is not the city's appeal, it is the fiscal climate in Washington that is dashing Mr. Dillon's dream.

And where does Mr. Dillon get the right to criticize the city's hiring of an attorney? RIAC has two full time staff attorneys and has retained outside attorneys that specialize in Records of Decisions filings. Does Mr. Dillon think the people of Warwick are so naive that they think RIAC is giving the city a good deal? Look at what happened when RIAC grabbed a parking garage from its owners. $5 million later it had to give the garage back. Look at the EPA's ruling on the pollution control plant for Buckeye Brook. RIAC has tried every trick in the book to weasel out of that one.

Worst of all look at RIAC's attempt to grab Winslow Fields, a city park without any compensation to the city. Unfortunately, the city needs an attorney to make sure that RIAC does not steal this park from our kids.

From: 2 sentence appeal halts airport projects

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