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Please take just a couple of minutes to understand declining enrollment. If you lose 60 kids this year, they don't all come from the same school, grade, or classroom. So you have, say, 8 classrooms spread out over three grades, and among 8 different schools. So a class drops from 24 kids to 22, another drops from 22 to 18', etc. Tell me where you're able to consolidate the next year...

John, normall your posts offer more than that one. Maybe the hundreds of kids who participate in sports would notice, ya think? Have you looked into what the coaching stipend is? It ain't a lucrative racket. Also, "ever more money" seriously? In 2008 the city funded the schools $118 million. in 2012 they funded them $118.6. Why don't you direct some of your energy and prose towards the city side, who's budget has grown by over $30 million in the same period. In that time frame 87% of your increase in tax dollars has gone there

From: Schools to press for budget

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