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This guy jamerson bateman is a pathological lier! Everything he told the cops was a lie. He completely made everything up!! He got the drug problem!! Hes been in jail 10 times for beating women! Not once but twice he tried getting his x girl friend locked up saying she hit him and then goes to court and admits he told lies. This 33 year old boy is lying and blaming a 24 year old for his mistakes to try and save himself. I have messages of him saying he made it up and that brandon started it and got what he had coming. This man child should be thrown in prison for lying to police and making false statements. This crack smoking dope sniffing drug addict told the police everything he did and does but blamed it on brandon white. I pray that the truth comes out and jamerson bateman gets punished by the law for trying to ruin people lives.

From: Cop has coke problem, victim tells police

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