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This bad all the way around...I love the language..."the State's share, the municipalities share"....TRANSLATION= taxpayers.

VOTE NO and let the Supreme court decide...better yet, let the Supreme court recuse themselves as they a financial stake in any decision...Waive to the First Circuit as our court has conflicts of interest all over the place...

Where are the indictments? You have a history going back 20+ years of ALL parties who negotiated these contracts engaging in fraud, breech of financial responsibility, gross malfeasance, racketeering, and perhaps 10 more charges...WHY? Because they knowingly agreed to contracts that they knew could lead to insolvency. They had accountants, actuaries, CFP's at there disposal and ignored all the warnings, including warnings sounded before the House Finance Committee for years by the former Auditor General, Mr. Almonte. The video testimony still exists, for now...They chose to ignore it all out of greed, including throwing young union members under the financial bus knowing full well they would never see what the recently retired were getting...A real life RI Ponzi scheme, including their own rank and file.

SOLUTION; If you have money, skills, a good business that could thrive where the State govt. doesn't have their hand in your pocket from day one..GO ELSEWHERE...Let this fiasco collapse under its own weight...A Governor alone can't fix this, and a majority of voters are too stupid to understand the GA needs to be flushed out. Good luck in 2015, 2016 and beyond...Wait till you get your property tax bills.

From: Long road ahead for pension deal

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