Tell us something unexpected about yourself.
I like making things, whether in the workshop, the kitchen or brewing beer, which I haven't had the time to do for years.
If you weren’t in journalism, what would you do for a living?
I'd try to find something I would enjoy as much (and not consider work) that would involve meeting people. That would give me lots of options from bartender to travel guide.
If your house were on fire, what are the three things you’d grab?
After Carol was out, it would be Binky and then my mother's paintings.
What’s the most unusual story you’ve ever covered?
The 100-year-old man whose wife moved out because of the clutter, yet, the two of them have dinner together every night.
What’s your favorite subject to write about?
Trend stories that capture community changes and stories that, because of their revelations, can bring about changes for the better.