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So this Facebook Warrior heard a rumor that girls at Pilgrim were having bad fee-fees, whipped her followers into a froth over it, deleted comments in support of the student, then came HERE to further antagonize this student, all without suggesting that the two girls who first complained should go talk to their principal -- and then insists that she believes in "protocol." Seriously?

I also must laugh at the fact that this story ran in 6,200 printed newspapers this week, and yet she is pleading the case in support of her bullying a child online, where [as of 9 p.m. on May 4] 3,600 people have seen it -- which doesn't mean those 3,600 people actually read her comments.

“I have nothing to say to you.” That's what the majority of readers will know about her. And, I dare say, what they will hope to keep hearing from her.

From: Social media incites debate over transgender bathroom use

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