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Dear Cat,
Since the year 2,000 Mayor Avedisian submitted dozens of tax-increasing amendments year after year and every one was rubber stamped "approved". Then, I came along, spent $40,000+ and campaigned for over 700 days in a row. Fact. Then, at the VERY NEXT BUDGET HEARING (in the spring of 2017), Avedisian was denied 29 times in a row and he was denied UNANIMOUSLY and the ENTIRE 9-member City Council told me I had "something" to do with that. You think that is "happenstance"?? Happenstance???!!!??? One HELUVA happenstance Cat. So IF that is the case what caused the City Council to deny Mayor Avedisian for the first time this century? And the second, third, all the way up to twenty-ninth? There HAS to be a reason! Tell us Cat. What was it?
You're not gonna call that "HAPPENSTANCE" are you Cat?
Happy St. Patricks Cat.
Happy St. Patricks everyone.
Rick Corrente
The Taxpayers Mayor
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