Keyword: generation
8 results total, viewing 1 - 8
STORY OF THE WEEK: Back in the day, the approach of the end of February would signal the time for the Providence Newspaper Guild Follies – the bygone annual satiric sendup of the year in Rhode … more
There are few qualities we value more in the media world than that of transparency. As the famous slogan of the Washington Post has long declared: “Democracy dies in darkness.” It … more
“When I wear the uniform, I’m Greene,” Paul Bourget said, dressed head to toe in a Union uniform to speak to the Warwick Rotary Club on Thursday July 13. Bourget, born and … more
A stroll into The Tackle Box takes you from West Shore Road to the sea faster than a side road to Conimicut Point. Coming from whitewashed walls and fluorescent lights, the shop’s door is a … more
Surely you've heard the motto that Scouts are prepared. I thought the Beacon was prepared for last week's storm that in terms of winds ranked it close to a hurricane. No sweat - a few downed branches, lots of puddles, and within a couple of hours it more
Here are the highlights from news and events that took place in the General Assembly last week. For more information on any of these items, visit House unveils affordable housing push, OKs bill against income more
Information on Warwick General Assembly and Council Candidates more
George Schmeider has a reputation for helping others in need. Now that he needs help, his family and friends have no problem stepping up to the plate. “This is a man who is all about living … more