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I am a proud member of Friends of Warwick Ponds and have been since their inception. About four years ago we met with a group at the airport headed then by Kelly Fredricks. I asked, pointedly "Mr. Fredricks, if we can prove that your airport is contaminating Warwick Pond, would you be in favor of the RIAC paying for the clean-up?" His answer was "We can't! It's illegal!" I never said another word to him. Why bother.

Since that time however there is a new, much improved group there (Douglas Dansereau, Dan Porter, Jay, Christine, Eric and others), that seem to truly want the airport to be a better neighbor. If that's true, I'm SURE they can find some LEGAL way to compensate the taxpayers of Warwick for their soil pollution, air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution.

I'm sure!

Four years ago I couldn't kayak closer than 30 feet from the drain pipe emptying into Warwick Pond. My eyes burned. I couldn't breath. I back-paddled away to a safe distance.

Last summer Jay took a group of us on a tour of a vastly-improved drainage system on the airport grounds, and there are pictures of me at the drainage pipe actually drinking the water, it was so clean.

The progress has been impressive but we have far to go. The Airport needs to finish the repairs they promised neighbors of streets like Elberta St. before they claimed they "ran out of money" (2015-2016) and they need to put more money in the hands of the City Council for the benefit of the 80,000 taxpayers that deserve it. There is not a human being in Warwick that believes there isn't some LEGAL way they can do that.

Then, and ONLY then will they become good neighbors". I think they want that as much as we 80,000 do. Time will tell.

Happy Valentines everyone.

GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: In 'team effort,' airport to seek federal tax ruling

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