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This story of 100 year old Ruth Couch and her life long walking habit rings completely true for me. I too am a constant walker. Growing up in Washington Park, I took full advantage of my extended back yard, Rogers Williams Park. The world feels, looks , and smells better to the walker. For walking is a truly primal sensuous experience. You THINK more clearly after a long walk. You feel less angry and more constructive about whatever annoys you. You think kinder thoughts about all the people you know.. Walking is not a cure- all but it does make you happier. And happy people are never mean.After a half hour walking in Roger Williams Park I pass the Temple to Music and start hearing Beethoven's" Pastoral symphony " in my ear. Or Igor Stravinsky's " Rite of Spring ", or Vivaldi 's" Four Seasons "..Now and then I daydream about LSD being made legal and available in high quality. But walking is very much a natural high.And walking is friendlier too. There is no walker equivalent of road rage. You feel that the Good Earth belongs to everybody. Will I live to be a hundred ? A gypsy fortune teller at Rocky Point told me I would live to be 120. But a dialectical materialist is-of course- contemptuous of the occult.( )

From: The secret to long life: don’t drive

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