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justanidiot: I think you're overstating the case, as I know plenty of good teachers in the school dept. That is not to say the dregs don't exist, but they are hardly the norm.

As it relates to the contract, the SC and mayor could go a long way to distinguish themselves by doing two things, to the extent that public sector unions should exist and/or be recognized in the first place:

1. Eliminate the clause pertaining to maximum number of teachers who can be laid off. This is an archaic, idiotic clause that hamstrings the SC (i.e. taxpayer).

2. Introduce a gradual transition from the current defined benefit pension plan to a defined contribution plan w/ match, which would be owned by the employee. Taxpayers have a responsibility to assist employees in preparing for their retirement. Taxpayers have NO such responsibility to remain on the hook throughout the employee's life expectancy.

From: Clock ticking on teacher contract

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