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Good question Sca11024,

I have spoken to about 50 teachers and about 25 school dept. members, so yes, I guess you could call that a small, informal poll. I'm meeting new people every day and if you want me to talk to anyone in particular I would be happy to. I honestly want to hear from all sides and from as many people as possible.

But based on the responses I have already encountered, i'm afraid that the voters might write-in "anyone else" as Maggie suggests. We have to get the School dept., the union, the Mayor, the City Council, the teachers, and the parents TALKING TO EACH OTHER. (not at each other) for the common good of the students, who are paying the biggest price for all this arguing. When superintendent candidate Dr. Lori McEwen addressed the school committee I was in the audience. She was asked "How do you intend to bring all the sides together she jokingly said "We will have a big covered dish dinner!" We all laughed but I thought there was merit in something like that. What if we had a dinner/lunch; invited all the parties; ask for "solutions only" and respect all the answers. Couldn't hurt. Might even help.

Richard Corrente

Democrat for Mayor 2016

From: Disappointed in actions of School Committee

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