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Dear Mr. Doyle,

I was there at the school committee meeting when they presented the $4,999 per month (approx.) for the PR firm. It is my understanding that they can spend an amount "under $5,000 per month" without asking the taxpayers, city council, Mayor etc. for agreement. You stated your outrage that they would spend taxpayers money so badly. I agree but also, how about the fact that they felt they needed to?! I can't decide which is worse. Thomas, I want you to know that when I am Mayor we will have greater transparency in the school dept. and I strongly believe that will decrease or even eliminate the need for a PR firm. I completely agree with you that the students MUST come first. Today, they don't. Tomorrow, they will. Count on that.

Thank you for reading. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Richard Corrente

Democrat for Mayor - 2016

From: Diverting funds from education

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