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Thanks, Eric.

Remember "Global Cooling" in the '70's? The data changed, so it became "Global Warming" in the '80's. The data didn't fit again, so it was changed to the catch-all "Climate Change" so that if the temperature data rises or falls, they're covered.

What the Climate Change alarmists never mention is that the Earth came out of its last Ice Age 100,000 years ago and the last glacial period ended 10,000 years ago- the earth is going to continue to get warmer, and there is little we can do about it.

The UN's IPCC is a front that seeks to redistribute the US' wealth to other nations (many of whose representatives populate the IPCC) through the phony carbon credit market (educate yourselves and read up on "Cap and Trade"). Scientists are coming forward and beginning to admit that government funding is fueling the global warming fraudulent data. The University of East Anglia (UK) study has been revealed to be a fraud. Temperature studies are being forced to move their thermometers out of cities because, as anyone knows, the temperature is always 5-10 degrees or more higher in the middle of concrete and asphalt than it is in the open.

Over the past 50 years, the US has become an increasingly better steward of the environment while many of the world's biggest polluters continue to discharge unabated, particularly China whose economy is expanding and creating waste of all kinds at an alarming rate with nearly zero regulation.

Proponents of Cap & Trade such as Al Gore and George Soros are pumping millions into this debate because they stand to make untold millions. Even if legislation were passed, you'll always be told that you're not doing enough- that's how Progressivism works. If you want to know why writers at Scientific American and politicians at the UN are screaming that the sky is falling, follow the money.

Whenever you hear that the North Pole is melting or that Greenland is going to be ice-free, look at the flip side; just last year, a SOUTH Pole expeditionary vessel (a charter of Global Warming enthusiasts) had to be rescued because their vessel was trapped in the ice, which is expanding in the South. Now that the ice is melting in Greenland, archaeologists are digging in the permafrost to find artifacts from primitive cultures who lived there BEFORE the ice covered the island. The earth's cycles are similar to Newton's law of motion: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Alarmists count on the general public believing only what they hear in the media and not investigating further- this fraud has been gaining momentum for decades, and they're pushing harder than ever because they know their last best chance at forcing this on us is leaving the White House in a little over a year, and none too soon.

Imagine the chagrin of the public when we realize we're poorer as a nation and the climate kept changing in spite of what we were told...

From: Fix is on under banner of ‘save the planet’

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