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The item that was docketed was an ordinance by Vella Wilkinson to introduce a law into the books that mandates firefighters have use of apparatus to perform shopping. Rule 20 indicates that any item "docketed" allows any "Warwick resident" to comment at the committee hearing. Additionally, in accordance with RI general laws - Secretary of State, indicates any changes to docketed items must be publicized within 48 hrs of the meeting to be in accordance with the RI open meetings act.

Simply said, even if an item is postponed, held, or removed, Warwick residents are still allowed to make comment. Further, nothing in the council rules suggests that the "author" of the ordinance has the right by discretion, to allow or not allow any resident to speak, and even further, there is no "historical interpretation" of law that is written in simple english. (see RI general laws)

The realty of what took place simply indicates that the city solicitor and many council members don't even understand the rules of the council as pertains to the open meetings act. By the way, the audio of the entire exchange is online. Hope this clarifies.

From: Freedom of speech & feedom of interruption

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