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Thank you Nadeau for pointing out all the extras that teachers provide above and beyond their contractual duties. They are amazing! It is a shame that the school committee does not negotiate with teachers in good faith and does not value all the extra work performed by teachers. If it did, teachers would be paid for those extra responsibilities. If you want teachers at open house, include that in the contract but offer extra pay. I am glad that high schoolers are seeing teachers stand together. It will teach them to take a stand. At the elementary school, at least at my school, the teachers have not shown anything but professionalism! We miss them at our PTA meetings and functions. They are an asset to our schools and I realize that when they attend our meetings and our events they do so on their own time for the good of the school and students. The teachers are taking a stand in support of one another and the quality of our students' education. But I must thank you for pointing out all the amazing extras teachers provide our students beyond the classroom!

From: ‘Work to rule’ a school loser

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