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This is a waste of time: if it's not binding on the financial issues, why go to arbitration at all. If anyone remembers the 1990's today's situation is similar-EXTREMELY TOXIC. The two sides should start at a compromise place by accepting two points:

1) Some type of student weighting will be necessary.

2) Limiting layoffs to 20 teachers is UNREASONABLE when two junior high schools are closing; plus there are additional layoffs likely to be needed with additional elementary schools also likely to be closed(there can/will be no savings without this).

Otherwise there is no good faith on either sides position.

Maybe it's past the point of salvaging any good education system in Warwick; with all that's going on-NO teachers contract in place, school consolidation in process at the secondary level & still to occur at the elementary level, & distrust among the School Committee, City Council/Mayor, & public.

From: Teacher talks head for arbitration

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