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" As only one of the more than 2.1 million Muslims living in America, Mirza said the actions of late have been shocking when Muslims, living and abiding by the pledge of allegiance, have been victimized solely for the way they look. He has story after story of his friends being mistreated for appearing to look Muslim. "

I commend Dr.Mirza's efforts to counter undemocratic -now nearly fascistic- Islamophobia in this country -with its still strong tradition of free speech and freedom of religion and separation of church and state-which should not imply official hostility or contempt for ANY of the world's great religions.. Coming from a Catholic background myself ,I am pleased with the many statements of Pope Francis on this matter of common humanity. Socialist humanists -unlike the belligerent New Atheists- have no impulse to attack the Islamic faith or insult its culture.

Just last night a lady friend and I viewed a documentary titled " Muhammad- Legacy of a Prophet " . This very interesting and instructive video can be borrowed from the Knightsville branch of the Cranston Public Library. The Holy Koran is no less benevolent -in preaching kindness to ALL - than the New Testament. It too has a special message for the poor and oppressed, the " rejects " and the dispossessed of this world. Not surprisingly it sees Jesus as one of the great and holy prophets.

The root of the violence in the Middle East is not Islam but the havoc and disruption caused by rival imperialisms. I note all the former European colonialist powers- led by the United States-now gang-banging, gang-bombing Syria. State terror is no less evil than the terrorism of ISIS.

With the possible exception of " socialist " Bernie Sanders none of the American presidential candidates in the news every day is a PEACE candidate. Certainly not Donald Trump. I call Trump the " It Can't Happen Here " candidate, after the Sinclair Lewis Depression era novel about the rise of a fascist leader in America.

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From: Dr. Ehsun Mirza calls for interfaith discourse

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