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In my campaign platform of over a year ago I proposed a "full audit" of the entire budget. We now see what the present Mayor's "hands off" policy has enabled Mr. LaPlante to attempt to get away with. My administration will be involved as much as the law allows and as much as my input is welcomed. In the last year I have attended all City Council meetings, all finance committee meetings and (almost) all school committee meetings. FACT: I haven't seen the present Mayor once. Not once!

If Scott Avedisian spent as much time being our Mayor as he does with his RIPTA job, people like LaPlante might not feel they can get away with the blatant theft that he attempted.

As Mayor I won't be so "hands off" as to ignore my responsibility to 80,000 taxpayers!

I promise a Happy New Year to them all.

Richard Corrente

Democrat for Mayor - 2016

From: Extensive list of items taken from schools prompts call for citywide audit

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