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Dear Fire Chief McLaughlin,

First, congratulations! You already know how big those shoes are that you have to fill so I won't belabor it except to say, Ed Armstrong was a genuinely nice guy; approachable, respectful and always had a welcoming smile and a sincere handshake. I learned through my meetings with him that when a new firefighter comes on board his/her training hours where listed as "overtime hours". This was as confusing to me as it was/is to Ed. The result is the Warwick Fire Dept. "appears" to spend a hell of a lot of taxpayers money on overtime when it really doesn't. If you could create a "training" category we taxpayers would read a much more accurate spreadsheet. I (and Ed) believe that will go a long way toward improving public relations. So do several firefighters I have spoken to. Just a thought. Again, congratulations! I look forward to meeting with you.


Richard Corrente

Democrat for Mayor - 2016

From: Safety is first for new chief

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