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A good friend who was diagnosed very young with Stage 3 Breast Cancer just contacted her Facebook Supporters the other day to report that she had used Medical Cannabis to cure her breast cancer with very few side effects. She had started out on chemotherapy and thought it would probably kill her all by itself, it was so devastating, so tried the other treatment which worked so much better. As a result, another young friend with breast cancer which was between Stage 3 and Stage 4 is on the protocol and has reported feeling much better and an actual shrinking of the tumor in the past 2 months on an MRI Scan. I have known a child with constant seizures who was able to begin to function normally and go back to school after being put on the cannabis protocol.

When you think that it was used in many medicines and to created many products such as rope and paper before DuPont and Hearst scuttled it in the 30's so they could make vast profits off their environmentally devastating wood pulp papers production and chemically devastating ropes, plastics and cloth, you might wonder if we have been sold out environmentally and from a health standpoint so Moguls could reap great profits at the expense of the people. Severe health problems, often CAUSED by the pharmaceuticals that are pushed as being safe and effective despite all evidence to the contrary, need to be addressed.

It is a travesty that people's very lives are being compromised and even sacrificed on a wide-scale basis for Profits. The People Need to be heard and acknowledged over the corporations which care little for human health or life while pursuing the almighty dollar. The Congress people of RI who are being paid by our hard work and taxes, and who we chose to work FOR US, not the CORPORATIONS, need to stop working on laws and unnecessary taxes that hurt the people while giving the Corporations judgements that result in Billions of dollars they take offshore anyway.

From: Fighting for her daughter

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