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I really wish the "facts" presented were correct. I am the mother who was outraged by the administrations failure to take action. I sent and still have the email. Why did D'agastino retire and then apply to be superintendent of a different school district? WE the tax payers of Warwick paid for this report, not the school committee not the school administration. We as families of the children involved paid emotionally over the administrations actions. I know the facts because I've dealt with them for years now, so every time I read that we chose not to press charges makes me irate.. We were never given the option. We trusted that the administration would handle it properly, I expressed my opinion in my email as to how they had not. Mullen suggested I get a lawyer? To have my daughter safe at school? But yet they choose Jeff Taylor, the only school department member that acted to the extent of his authority as the scapegoat? I'm disgusted, if you have nothing to hide release the entire report.

From: AG rules Ragosta report public, but what portions?

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