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Rick, too many drinks for St. Patty's day? This is deplorable. Bachus, Furtado and Medeiros should be ashamed of themselves. They are the catalyst that allows this type of behavior to exist. These 3 embarrassments would prostitute themselves in any fashion to maintain favor with the unions. There has never been such a poor decision made as to this case with these 3 incompetents shooting down this common sense proposal. Every community in MA has GPS in EVERY vehicle. Maybe one of these 3 incompetents has a family member in the department that they are afraid may get jammed up. "We don't want to send the wrong message"? What the hell does that mean Sam? I guess the message that you want to send is that its ok to steal from taxpayer. When will we elect people that have a brain. Its really too bad that their brains were not as big as their backsides.

From: Schools reject fleet maintenance system with GPS tracking

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