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Private school and charter school administrators and teachers are successful because they control what happens in their classrooms. To save public schools, the “School-Within-a-School-Concept” should be employed in each public school with more than 350 students. If a school has 600 students, it would be divided up into two separate schools with 300 students each. In each school, administrators, faculty members, parents, non-instructional staff and students would have an opportunity get to know and trust one another. In a short period of time, almost everyone would begin acting like a family where most members care about and want to help each other. A social commitment would develop where most members would begin working together to make each school a successful community. Because these schools would be small, curriculums designed to meet the cultural diverse needs of at risk student populations could be developed. Administrators, teachers and students, in these small schools, could use the team approach to successfully implement curriculum goals and create group portfolios to represent their achievements. In a team, every member works very hard to make sure the team achieves its goals. These small schools would be successful because administrators, teachers and students would control what happens in their classrooms. Implementing this plan will make charter schools unnecessary. Every public school will be the equivalent of a well run charter school.

From: Eyes turn to education

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