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Someone please enlighten me as to the hard work that TC has done? Please list his accomplishments on the council. Please list any and all legislation that he put forward. Please quote on sentence that he uttered other than "present" at roll call. Please list one constituent that he returned a phone call to. Please list one argument that he made in 4 years, pro or con on any issue. He is a waste and disgrace as a council member and exemplifies exactly what is wrong in Warwick and in RI for that fact. You democrats would back another dem even if you watched them rape a baby. For god sakes, tell us something different.

Shawn, give us some insight as to what your plan is. Lets start with your plan to fund the 300 million dollar unfunded health care plan. Or how would you go about insuring proper use of taxpayer dollars? Are you in favor of GPS, finger print time clocks, fleet management, reduction in WFD benefits??

From: 2 declare, Ward 2 Democratic primary shapes up

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