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An interesting and intelligent column on the soul searching test of the " true believer " Republican conservative, best represented by Paul Ryan ? - not willing to support the erratic and dangerous quasi-fascist Donald Trump.

As a supporter of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders - the stunning victor in the recent Rhode Island Democratic primary- I think Hillary Clinton is beginning to move so significantly to the right that Republican voters- already nostalgic for the Grand Old Party of Ronald Reagan -might very well consider her the ideal Republican presidential candidate.

Wall St Hillary, pro-death penalty Hillary, Neo-Colonialist Hillary, welfare-reform Hillary, anti-working class Hillary ( very popular in West Virginia coal mine country ) is not even just a " lesser evil " most Bernie Sanders supporters can reluctantly embrace.She is a plutocratic class enemy.

What Paul Ryan- conservatives and Donald Trump- extremists and Hillary Clinton -neo-Democrats have in common is this : a hard core belief in the capitalist way of life in the America of the 21st century.

In foreign policy pro-establishment Democrats and Republicans want yet another American Century- with its repression of the working class at home and its imperialism abroad.

Working class Americans in every state are supporting Bernie Sanders' " political revolution ".

Do YOU " hear the people sing " ?

From: For true Republicans, there is no one to vote for

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