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Much like Head Start, "universal full-day kindergarten" sounds great when you say it fast. But also like Head Start, full-day kindergarten has been a spectacular failure everywhere it's been attempted. After untold billions spent on Head Start, results from the 2014 Head Start Impact Study Final Report show that "no significant impacts were found for math skills, prewriting, children's promotion, or teacher report of children's school accomplishments or abilities." Swell. Of course, nobody's supposed to mention that. Data concerning full-day kindergarten is similar. That is, any marginal academic gains are short-lived, at best, and undetectable by third grade when compared to a control group. But that's not even the point since this has never been about academics. Rather, this is about alleviating parents of the burden of child care. So let's just call it that and be done with it without the dishonest pretense of some sort of mystical academic gain: Taxpayer funded day care masquerading as an 'opportunity provider'.

From: Educational priorities

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