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Nero fiddled while Rome burned. The Warwick City Councilor Fiddlers aka Fast Eddie Ladosceur, Vella-Wilkinson and Travis have done nothing about this egregious handout. Eddie, Camille and Donna all voted for this contract without asking a single question about this new million dollar obligation.

The dynamic trio has spent the last year castigating the school dept. while their own house burns. Maybe Eddie could call for another of his famous committees......I hope Karen Backus and Nathan Counell are available because they bring so much to the table. They are Eddie's ace relievers. It's laughable. I hope this committee doesn't take time away from Eddie's snow removal committee. Perish the thought.

The city council was tied up in knots because of Wilkinson's gun legislation but she has done nothing about the unfunded healthcare obligation of $360 million. Wilkinson as chair of the finance committee should have vetted this new contract provision that will cost the taxpayers millions but she treats her chairmanship as a hobby.

Time to replace Ladosceur, Wilkinson and Travis on the council.

From: Firefighters get bonus for being healthy

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