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Dear Scal1024,

Avedisian has always had a "hands-off" policy toward the school department. I believe his not having a wife, kids, homework etc. kind of lifestyle contributes to that. He doesn't relate like I will. It's not rude. It's just a fact. His lifestyle doesn't relate to students/children etc. like mine does.Thank you for saying that my plan for cutting taxes, providing rebate checks, new home buyers, new construction etc. is a good one. How do we pay for it you ask? Well, if you attract more taxpayers Warwick will receive more total tax revenue. We can then use some of that extra money to honor our seniors by paying half of their car taxes for them. I really do like your airport question. What leverage do I have to re-open the airport deal? None. But I have already spoken to them on two occasions and their new director, Peter Frazier seems to be open minded, and appears to want a better relationship with Warwick residents, so I will pursue it. What do we have to lose? Avedisian got us nothing, so we have "nothing" to lose. I'll bet I can do better. Want to help me? I'll bet the two of us could do better. Hey, we can't do any worse. We gave them the tax revenue of over 100 homes and they gave us nothing in return except more pollution.

Thanks, as always, for your comments, Scal.

Richard Corrente

Democrat for Mayor

From: Corrente vows to cut taxes, criticizes Avedisian at headquarters opening

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