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Mr. Corrente,

Have you been present for any of the negotiation sessions? How can you say that the teachers are bargaining in good faith and the school committee is not?

Despite your wishy-washy not committal answer about how maybe the contract should be for more or less (Warwick teachers are some of the highest paid in the state)it sounds like you already have your mind made up. Perhaps there is more to be negotiated than just salaries. How about the ability to lay off more than 20 unneeded teachers, class sizes, IEP's etc etc...

Until the people make it so that the School committee is not elected, perhaps you should withhold your criticism of the current Mayor. He really has no control over them. Maybe you will find that out someday if your pandering to the unions works out.

Running for mayor means a lot more than just standing in front of City Hall waving to people as they drive by.

From: Teachers picket, schools bring court action in contract dispute

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