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Don't worry Karen.

There is plenty of shame to go around for the members of the school committee. Have you read the Ragosta Report? You know, the one they said was "verbal"? The one they tried to keep us from reading because it showed how poorly they handled the Mario Atoyian issue? You said "dismayed" and "disappointed". May I add "disgusted" to that?

I do see one new member that impresses me however. Phil Thornton, the new Superintendant of Schools gets an A for effort. He came into a volital situation that he DID NOT CAUSE, and he has worked harder than the last four superintendents put together. I don't always agree with his decisions, but he is really trying and seems to have the students best interest at heart. Stay involved. This one is long from finished.

Enjoy your Summer.

Richard Corrente

Democrat for Mayor

From: Committee failed to hold accessible meeting

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