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To all Warwick taxpayers,

I read this article three times. Here's what I get from it. Warwick lost the tax revenue on over 100 homes due to the airport expansion costing Warwick taxpayers millions of dollars in "higher taxes for all to offset those tax losses", and in return, Warwick residents got increased pollution to our water, air, noise, and soil.

Now, Avedisian is making yet another one-sided agreement. RIAC gets free taxes. Warwick taxpayers get seemingly nothing. I hope I am wrong. I honestly do. Maybe I misread the part that says "That will take the land off the city tax rolls." Maybe I didn't see the part that said "but, in return, Warwick taxpayers will receive..." (something...anything!)

I will read it again. You should too. It appears to me, that Mayor Avedisian is giving away the store again with absolutely no value to the Warwick taxpayers resulting in higher taxes for all of us to make up for the tax lossof this latest sale. That is why I will renegotiate the Airport Expansion agreement. What do we have to lose? RIAC CAN'T give us less than nothing. So we have nothing to lose, and I promise you fellow taxpayers; i won't settle for "nothing". By the way, I have met with Peter Frazier on 2 separate occasions and find him to be an open-minded fair person. I feel we can get to common ground together and make RIAC a much better neighbor.

Stay well. Enjoy your Summer.

Richard Corrente

Democrat for Mayor

From: RIAC to buy, resell Laz Parking for private development

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