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Dear Stephen,

I was also at the Gorton Junior High performance last Thursday and I agree, Michelle Devine did a spectacular job.

I also have a deep respect for our city's founder, Samual Gorton but I didn't know he was called a "turbulent troublemaker". Some of my ideas have been referred to as turbulent; and to those who benefit from the political kick-back jobs Avedisian has given away at the extreme expense of the taxpayers, I guess you could also call me a bit of a troublemaker. I represent the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the salaries, benefits, and lifetime pensions of these employees. I met one city employee at the Gaspee Day Parade. I asked him if he felt that 16 years of annual tax increases was too much and he said "No! Whenever there is a tax increase, I get a raise." Well, Steve, maybe I don't represent that guy but I do represent the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab for him (and others). That tab includes salaries, benefits and lifetime pensions. Everybody knows someone who is a "tax recipient". We just have to remember who is paying for that "tax recipient". Avedisian has bought a lot of votes with political kick-back jobs. He had 4 Chiefs-of-Staff in only a 14 month period. I don't think it's fair that we taxpayers should pay for the salaries, benefits, and lifetime pensions for all those people. Do you?

Enjoy your Summer.

Richard Corrente

Democrat for Mayor

From: Turbulent troublemaker’s last victory lap

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