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Dear Falina, Imhere, and everyone else,

Now is not the time for criticizing, finger-pointing or verbal assaults. Now is the time for a contract for the teachers.

Here are the facts:

The teachers are willing to sit down and negotiate. The School Committee is not. Advantage: Teachers.

You can't argue who is in the wrong here. The School Committee must come to the negotiating table that the teachers have been sitting at for months! I jokingly said to one of the union leaders that we should lock the two sides in a room and insist that they talk to each other. If both sides did that voluntarily it would certainly show "good faith". From "good faith" will probably come the beginnings of a new contract that would benefit everyone, especially our forgotten students. Please, someone, suggest that to the other side? What do you have to lose?

Richard Corrente

Democrat for Mayor

From: Teacher contract still at standstill

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