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Dear JohnStark,

You are clearly trying to "brass tacks" me into an e-mail confrontation.

As far as the "cut taxes" statement I repeatedly make, it doesn't effect any one area. Politicians, (perhaps like you) for decades have been playing games with "the tax rate" or "the percentage of assessed value" or "the assessed value" itself. Here is my pledge. The amount, however calculated, will be less to the taxpayer, because, let's be honest; you can decrease two out of the three categories and still get a tax increase. That's why I won't let people try to get me to discuss just one. (like you just did).

Your #2. question is easier. I would not support a plan that credits $18,000 to LaSalle because that would take $18,000 out of the school budget without taking out $18,000 out of the off-setting expenses. As far as merit pay I am a huge fan of rewarding extra effort and penalizing a lack thereof. I think the reward part should be voted on by everyone including the students, the parents and the teachers. Merit pay and maybe even awards presented in a public forum, (like a School Committee meeting) should motivate others to strive for excellence. You and I are on the same page on that one!

As far as which regulation I would "revise or eliminate", please read my website. ( One idea is to eliminate building permit fees for two years. This will stimulate construction which increases real estate taxes forever. I have heard the short-sided argument that says "Where will we get the lost revenue?" My answer is "If we lose $1,500 in 2016 and gain an extra $700 every year FOREVER, we can find a way to repay the permit fees." That amount of bookkeeping is simple. (Avedisian has countered my plan with a 1% reduction in building permit fees to "stimulate construction". Not surprisingly, it did nothing!) Whose plan do you favor?

Thank you for warning me that you will have a "multitude of additional questions" claiming they are coming from "Warwick citizens" when they really are coming solely from you. I look forward to your next e-mail unless you would like to come out from anonymity and call me at 401-338-9900. We could meet for coffee and I will be happy to answer your (and your friends) hard questions. Please bring your "Warwick citizens" with you. I'll buy.

From: Bad for business?

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