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Dear Superintendent Dr. Thornton,

I admire your work ethic. No one will ever accuse you of having a lack of effort. In that category you get a well deserved "A".

As far as borrowing another $80,000,000 when we don't know where the School Committee is "storing" the millions they already have...Borrowing $80,000,000 when we have teachers without contracts??? Are you kidding??? The Warwick Teachers Union is willing to sit with you and negotiate. Why won't you?

Here is an offer. I will sponsor a luncheon. Any restaurant. Any day. Any time. It's on me. You, me, and a member of the Warwick Teachers Union, i.e. Darlene Netcoh , the president, if she is willing. If this violates the rules then whatever version of it that doesn't violate the rules is fine with me but Phil (you told me to call you "Phil"), we have to start a dialog. The teachers are in the moral right on this issue. The problem grows daily and the fault is clearly the School Committee's refusal to sit at the negotiation table so maybe we should sit at a lunch table instead. No agenda. Just lunch. The "common ground" that we may create can only help. Call me at 338-9900.

Show the 80,000 taxpayers that chip in to the tune of $160,000,000 a year that you want to spend their money wisely. You have nothing to lose and it could be the start of a long term solution.

Phil, please call me.

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: $3.2M in school improvements just the start

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