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If you are stuck in the city of Warwick and unfortunately have to enroll your kids in this disaster of a school district, the least you can do is stay as far away from Norwood Elementary. At this school the kids are not safe, the principal is part of "the cover up crew" and is one of Phil Thorton'says puppets. John Gannon the principal stays in his hole (office) and turns a blind eye to everything around him. He is there to steal a pay check he definitely hasn't earned and doesn't deserve. Four young girls were inappropriately touched by a fellow students who should be deemed a predator and John Gannon sat back and let this happen on his immediate watch. When this happened he brought in "the cover up crew" lead by Philip Thorton and Lynn Dambruch to help cover it up. Phil Thorton is great at the cover up game he has mastered his craft bouncing district to district and rakes the taxpayer over the coals and another one who steals an over inflated salary which he doesn't deserve. I think the best thing is that these three criminals should all RESIGN!!

From: Never too late to register for school, but hurry up

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