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The Mario Atoyan version of this story was when that disgusting pervert drew a penis on the arm of a 12 year old girl and another one on the arm of a 13 year old girl. The School Committee did nothing to discipline him ( see The Ragosta Report) and when the City Council unanimously (and immediately) drafted and signed a "resolution of disapproval" they sent it to the Mayor for his signature.

He refused to sign it!

They gave him another 5 days to sign it. He didn't. I asked if I could sign it but the Council couldn't allow it.

Our Mayor has a "Hands-off" policy that is the biggest part of this problem. I won't. I will have a "zero-tolerance policy" for matters such as these. I have met with Mr. "Imhere". I have heard, first hand, what his daughter and his family went through. The school, according to him, refused to even keep the offending student away from his daughter. They actually continued to seat the two students next to each other. When I am Mayor, I will meet with Superintendent Dr. Thornton. We will develop a "zero-tolerance policy" that will protect all students without violating the rights of the accused, but if we error, it will be on the side of caution, and maybe even extreme caution. When student safety is at stake our actions need to be immediate.

A long-term teacher in Orlando Florida brought a star student to the front of the room to receive an award. In congratulating the student he but his hand on the top of her shoulder. She complained the she felt he was "inappropriate" and, although everyone knew there was absolutely no wrong doing there was a complete investigation after which he was cleared of all wrong doing. We need a similar policy in Warwick. When parents and taxpayers see a greater level of care and caution in our school system they will recommend Warwick School to their friends and the student population will finally start to increase. When they see what is happening here today they will join Mr. "Imhere" and leave. We have enough problems trying to increase our student population without having teachers that are under contract. That issue has been going on for much too long. We have enough of a black eye with a School Committee that would rather sue than sit. The teachers are willing. The School Committee stubbornly refuses. In the court of public opinion, the teachers win and win BIG.

We have enough problems with a large percentage of students that still don't have the advantage of Chromebooks. We don't need another public relations disaster. I will be a Mayor that cares. I will be as involved as the law and the Warwick Teachers Union will allow.

One last thing. Dr. Thornton does deserve sincere credit for the recent 500 additional Chromebooks. It is a big step in the right direction. If we are to criticize when we disapprove we need to also give credit when we see improvement. 500 Chromebooks is the very definition of improvement. I will be at the Carnival at Oakland Beach Friday and Saturday (8-12 and 8-13) if anyone wants to say "Hello."

Hope to see many there.

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Never too late to register for school, but hurry up

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