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Congratulations Honor Students!

Your numbers are growing in spite of the obstacle confronting your teachers. For too long now the teachers have been working without a contract. They are willing to sit at the negotiation table and the School Committee is not. In the court of public opinion the School Committee has already lost. Their damages grow each day and the only thing that will reduce "damages" is for the SC to at least be willing to negotiate. Instead, they have spent more and more of our taxpayers money on lawyers to go back to court.

I say publicly that this is wrong and I side with the teachers.

As Mayor I understand that I cannot participate in the actual contract negotiations but I can, and will, urge the parties to sit and talk. The less time we spend in court the less the taxpayers will lose. The only side that wins in court is the attorneys.

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: 4th quarter honor students listed at Toll Gate

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