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Another 300 +- honor students! Congratulations Winman Honor students. Also, sincere congratulations to the teachers that got you there. Tom Brady would not have been a success without Bill Belichick. You honor students would not have been as successful without your "Head Coach" either. Teachers are under added pressure because they are working without the security of a contract. The worst part is that the teachers are willing to talk but the School Committee refuses. In the court of public opinion the teachers have already won but the School Committee members are a stubborn bunch. If you see one, please encourage him/her to talk to the teachers union. Don't necessarily agree; just talk. And if they ask you "Who told you to ask?" say Richard Corrente. I don't understand why they are unwilling to even "talk". So blame me. I have the support of a few thousand taxpayers on my side. They want me to find out too, and their numbers are growing. I spoke to one man who said "Yeah, we should get a big cauldron of tar and a huge bag of feathers and call out to them, "Which one of you bast***** wants to go first?"" He was real angry. Something about spending over $160,000,000 dollars of the taxpayers money this year alone and not having ONE teacher under contract to show for it. He also said a few things that I can't print here but you are some pretty intelligent students. I'm sure you can guess what he said.

Enjoy your Summer and, again, congratulations!

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Winman honor students announced

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