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Congratulations to the Warwick Fire Department on their 100% achievement It is an accomplishment that I am sure I could not come close to. I heard what they did in the middle of the night at the Four Seasons fire that caused 27 families to evacuate into the pitch dark. It was nothing less than heroic; something I could never do. And they did it without one injury or fatality. I would never be be able to handle that amount of pressure. I don't know how they can. But they did.

I recently met with a group of the union firefighter members and came away with an even greater knowledge and respect than ever before. I learned and confirmed later that their chances of contracting cancer are 700% greater than the average person. I learned that virtually everything they breath in at a fire is cancerous. Every combustible when on fire, emits fumes that cause cancer. I also learned that Warwick can profit by having more rescue trucks. Why we haven't bought a vehicle that costs $110,000 and makes Warwick about $50,000 a year is baffling to me but, as a businessman it certainly makes sense to look into it and I am going to. I learned a lot more in that meeting and I am looking forward to working with this brave group of men and women. Maybe their courage will wear off on me. I doubt it, but maybe.

Until then Warwick Firefighters, be safe.

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Training for first responders

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