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Rick, now you've put me over the edge. You have witnessed her be fair to all? I guess you forgot how she fought against Bob Cushman's presentation on pension debt. I guess you forgot how she continued to call Bob Cushman a "hobbiest". I guess you forgot how she circumvented the hiring process to hire Kathleen Avila as the city auditor even though the job description required 5 years of governmental auditing with a BA yet she had none of the required credentials, and she passed over several people who did have the proper credentials. I guess you forgot how she was recorded at a council meeting with your other buddy Travis, using vulgarity and planning how to stop me from speaking during the open mic session (when I wasnt even present). I guess you forgot how she was violated by the AG and fined for circumventing the OMA rules. I guess you forgot how she openly lied and published false defamatory comments about me which resulted in her being sued. I guess you forgot how she referred to the people who go to the council meetings as A HOLES in an email thatshe circulated to the council and other city workers. I guess you forgot about how she disparaged 3 Warwick residents who testified at the state house calling them haters and Warwick Stinks. I guess you forgot about all of her lies, pandering, inefficiencies, and dirty politics. I guess you just forgot the reality of what kind of person this woman is.

From: Vella-Wilkinson, Pisaturo to recieve Women in Achievement Awards

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