Report Inappropriate Comments

Dear readers,

Please re-read the article titled "Dash to Opening Day" in the comments section where I congratulate "Superintendent Thornton and his hard working staff". Please also re-read where CrickeeRaven attempts to discredit me with the same bull that he/she is stating here. He/she states that the 2 sides have been in "arbitration and litigation". That is true, but what CrickeeRaven is not telling the reader is that the teachers are willing to sit and negotiate and the School Committee refuses. There is the big difference!

That kind of explains why he/she uses a fake name, instead of his/her honest name.

I think I know who CrickeeRaven is but if you do too, please call me at 338-9900. Expose this person and we force him/her to be honest and responsible, just like the rest of us.

Enjoy the Labor Day Weekend everyone!

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Making our schools shine

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