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Teachers don't have a contract because you have a brain dead administration. Phil Thorton wants to waste another $80 million to paint and put lip stick on a pig just look at Vets. There are so many safety concerns and the incompetent Thorton says "this is what we did with $3.25 million, imagine what can be done with $80 million". Well it's obvious Mr. Incompetent you couldn't even handle what you just had. Open holes in the ceilings and broken tile which pose a safety hazards for tripping are not acceptable, so Phil use the little brain you have and RESIGN!! Ivery asked the waste of a human Phil Thorton on multiple occasions to resign, it would be a great idea!! The teachers on the front line who teach OUR future need a contract asap and the brain dead administration needs to be unemployed!!

From: Sides no closer to teacher contract

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