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2 more schools closing? As Nathan Cornell so perfectly put it "Are you out of your minds?" Nathan, I think they are!

They have over a BILLION DOLLARS of taxpayers money since 2009 and they are playing a very high stakes game of chicken with it. As the number of teachers goes down (by approx. 30-35%) the number of School Committee administrators continues to increase by about the same percentage. We keep losing those irreplaceable people that we need to "teach" our children and we keep gaining those people that "control" our children and their futures.The Mayor NEEDS to get involved. The Mayor is directly ACCOUNTABLE to the taxpayers and the present one absolutely REFUSES to intercede. The present one will be gone soon. The new one will put 100% of his emphasis on the needs of the students. Count on it.

Hope to see everyone at the Food Truck event today (Thurs. Sept. 8th) in back of City Hall.

Teachers; the coffee is on me!

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Coming up: Plans to close 2 schools

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