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I was not there. I sincerely apologize. I carefully checked the School Committee Meeting schedule on line and there was nothing posted about Tuesday's meeting. Had I known, I would not have missed this all-important meeting. If a non-posted meeting gets scheduled again, could someone please contact me at 401-338-9900.

As bad as the renovations and classroom issues are, the part that has the most damage, is not as "visible". Our teachers need contracts! The teachers are ready, willing and able to sit and negotiate with the School Committee but the SC refuses. They appear more than willing to spend the taxpayers money on court proceedings but not put in the time and effort to meet with the teachers, which would cost the taxpayers nothing and would restore a lot of faith in the SC.That is the biggest "wrong" of this school year and what is the Mayor doing about it? Nothing! Not a visit. Not any advice. Not listening to the taxpayers that are ultimately paying the bill. He hasn't been seen at ANY SC meetings. (Except for Tues. I haven't missed one!) I know because I hear those complaints every time I DO listen to parents, students and teachers. Avedisian says he "can't get involved with the negotiations". What he is failing at is making sure there ARE NEGOTIATIONS. He has a responsibility to the parents, teachers, students, and Taxpayers to make that happen and to date he has done nothing! Nothing! That is not the kind of leadership Warwick deserves!

I won't be that kind of Mayor. Please vote for me.

Thank you!

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Teachers, parents berate committee over school openings

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