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Mr. Corrente, please stop using this forum for your ridiculous campaign. How could you not know that there was a School Committee Meeting on Tuesday? The schedule has been up for months. The major crime in the school consolidation has been the lack of collaboration between the city and the school department. The City of Warwick spent thousands of dollars on a Master Plan that did not even include the schools. The strength and success of a school system directly impacts the business and economic development of the City .

All of the politicians and school committee members were at Pilgrim on the first day of school when only 400 seniors were there.. of course everything ran smoothly. There was not one politician, school committee member or school department representative out in the front of the school when the remaining 1,000+ students arrived the next day. I have not seen the mayor at Pilgrim HS in the 3 years that my daughter had been there but on the day the Freshmen arrived he was there to show off to the cameras the new auditorium and football field. It is great to take credit for when things go well but even better to take responsibility when they do not.

Mr Corrente, I am not asking you to respond with what you would have done on this day to make things better because I think that you have shown that you are only willing to take action on the key board of your computer but not out in the community where it really matters

From: Teachers, parents berate committee over school openings

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