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Rick, I disagree these are "loaded" questions. I'm not looking to pick things apart, I'm looking for answers. If you read in previous comments another reader estimated the car tax break could cost anywhere from $2mil-$2.6 million dollars is what I believe they came up with. That is a sizeable hole. Also, I don't see the answer on your website as you claim, so please share it here if you can and I will read it.

The problem as I see it is if you can't even estimate the amount of money you are going to spend on these programs, how can you even begin to promise people you will cut taxes? It is literally impossible Rick. I don't even mention things like the pension buyouts that you are also proposing.

The reason I asked about the hiring freeze vs reducing new hire salaries wasn't to "confuse the reader". It sounds good on paper, the reality is these things would have to be negotiated through the union. I was wondering if this was something you've discussed with the union? It seems kinda dumb not to...and I don't think you're dumb (is that how you take a passive shot? as you always seem to do to me.) Once again you seem to dismiss any question or differing opinion as attacking you or stupid.

Lastly the school committee meeting was all over social media, wpri had a story the morning of on elementary consolidation being proposed later that night. You can't make schools, or the teachers contract such a big issue, and then not claim you didn't know the meeting was scheduled and not show. That is a very weak response to not showing.

From: Teachers, parents berate committee over school openings

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