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I posted earlier but for some reason I do not see it here...So, I will write an abridged version as many have reiterated my sentiments.

Clearly, the Superintendent and School Committee members are arrogant, ignorant and INCOMPETENT! That goes without saying. They are some the most self-serving individuals I've ever seen.

Obviously, if the Superintendent and SC Chair person had ventured past the front entrances of each school, instead of grandstanding for the media, they may have seen how incomplete and unsafe the environments really were/are. Perhaps they DID tour the buildings more closely, but knowing the backlash they would face upon admitting that it would be best to delay the opening of school, chose to look the other way. After all, they know best.

The Superintendent's comments as to the "validity" of some issues completely underscores his blatant disregard and disconnect. Stating that they chose to upgrade the most visible areas of the schools bc to renovate the classrooms would be too costly, proves that he knew (well in advance) that this consolidation (as it stood when unfavorably voted upon) was botched from the start.

On these matters, I think we can all agree.

I was in attendance at the September 6, 2016 SC Meeting. I was pleased to see that it was "standing room only" during the "Public Comment" portion of the evening.

What greatly saddened me, however, is the fact that when the "New Business" portion of the meeting started, nearly 50% of the people left the building.

Yes, it was beyond necessary that the public be heard, but even more importantly, WE needed to hear what the SC was voting on and approving!!! Countless items, HUGE amounts of money being wasted yet again ~~ 1) voting to "table" the issue of unsafe tables in the Science and other classrooms bc Mr. Ferucci did not know if the vendor could be contacted to get them replaced. This matter is "tabled" until the October SC Mtg. This means that our children will be sitting in classrooms for at least another 4 weeks at tables that could cause harm.

2) unanimously approving a contract w/an unnamed CPA firm @ $55,000.00 per year for an, as of yet un-certified accountant, to review accounting errors made by the WPS Administration Finance office (if any are made - please note the sarcasm). I asked three different people if I was hearing and understanding this correctly. All three concurred, I thought for sure the committee would say this was unnecessary ~ Apparently they think it is. What does that tell you?

3) voting to table Item #21 ~ Elementary Consolidation. This request was made by many people on hand, the thought being that perhaps we should tackle the mess we have now before beginning another debacle...

All this while the teachers work without a contract and our children are put at risk both educationally and safety-wise.

I could go on and on but my POINT is that we cannot affect change if we are not part of the solution. I understand it was after 9 o'clock when this began and did not end until almost 11, but if we all feel that our children are worth it and that we want to know here our tax dollars are going, etc., we MUST see it through to the end.

From: Teachers, parents berate committee over school openings

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